A Critical Examination of the Beliefs about Learning a Foreign Language at Primary School

social skills. The specific circumstances of the English-speaking context could
be regarded as an opportunity rather than as a problem.

Children who have 'learned' French at primary school will inevitably arrive at
secondary school with an attitude towards French (and possibly an attitude
towards all foreign language learning) and with a concept of themselves as
language 'learners'. Establishing and maintaining positive dispositions about
foreign language learning would thus seem to be crucial. There are thousands
of primary schools in a huge variety of geographical locations, with a wide range
of cultures, interests and needs. A programme of language education at
primary school which has its own merits and from which all children will benefit
whatever their background and whatever language they might study at
secondary school, would suggest itself as the way forward. Knowing 'how'
rather than knowing ,what' is likely to result in more positive experiences and in
less confusion and frustration at a later stage.


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