A Critical Examination of the Beliefs about Learning a Foreign Language at Primary School

sentences because I forgot what they meant

singular words because they were easy to forget

the other things. They were sentenses like were do you live? But I do know some
colours in French

writing or copying down because Γm not used to writing French

remembering words in French
remembering sentences in French
saying words in French
saying whole sentences in French
copying things down in French
reading in French

understanding the teacher speak French
understanding people on the tape
asking questions in French
answering the teacher's questions

6 found this easy

3 found it difficult

7 found this easy

2 found it difficult

8 found this easy

1 found it difficult

4 found this easy

5 found it difficult

7 found this easy

2 found it difficult

O found this easy

9 found it difficult

3 found this easy

6 found it difficult

3 found this easy

6 found it difficult

4 found this easy

5 found it difficult

4 found this easy

5 found it difficult

When asked to name some of the things they learned in French the girls listed:

і have learned to say hello, g∞dbye, etc.

count, ask questions, say ∞untires, family names and sing a french song

I have learnt numbers

count up to 20, sing a song, ∞mmunicate and talk about ourselves

say colours, a few farm animal (I forgot most off those) hello, goodbye and sentenses (I
forgot 2 and there were 3)

I have Iearnd to say easy things

say sentences, say hello and goodbye, count and sing

Bonzer, (Bonjour?) I know lots

Asked what they would like to find out about French speaking people or

countries where French is spoken:

I don't know

In diffent parts of France do they speak different languages? Do any oyther ∞untries
speak French?

I would like to find out how to read french

how hard they found learning French and if they like their language

Γd like to know what other ∞untries speak french

is French a hard language to sepak and when you earn ferench do you find it easy to
Ieam other languages


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