E E T A T I O N |
L O Failure Complacency W H I G Demoralisation Success H |
Fig. 8.2 Relation between self-esteem and expectations (Barber,1997,183)
Thus, as Barber states, the point is to “raise pupils’ self-esteem while
simultaneously maintaining, or even raising, expectations” (ibid).
8.2.2 Legitimacy: Changing some rules of the learning game
As I stated above, the Iegitimisation of a new learning culture mostly consists of
the agreement of rules, norms or principles that justify the activities carried out. In the
situation we have been dealing with in this study, there are obvious rules that seem be
agreed upon by both parties of the scheme (learners and educators). Some examples of
these new rules are:
- learners decide on their pace and schedule;
- counsellors do not exercise some of the rights they have when
working with a class, such as: assigning homework, checking
attendance, giving exams, assigning grades, etc.
From the findings discussed in Chapter 6, it became evident that there are some matters,
however, that have not been agreed upon. Examples of these are decisions about:
- content,
- materials,
- evaluation∕feedback,
- interaction leamer∕counsellor, etc.