of. We start negotiating for the validation of norms for the learning culture and then we
keep negotiating and interacting for the sake of communication within a self-direction
scheme. Negotiation, as Bloor and Bloor defined it, “is not a bargaining process but a
joint exploration of possibilities and targets...a process of reaching agreement through
discussion” (1988,63). The process of negotiation leads itself to the discussion of any
aspect of self-direction, from planning to evaluation. As Widdowson has said,
negotiation consists of “the establishment and maintenance” of the necessary conditions
to achieve understanding (Widdowson; 1984,115). In fact, negotiation is at the core of
communication (and certainly at the core of counselling) as when used, again by
Widdowson, to understand discourse as “the negotiation of meaning through interaction”
(ibid, 100). According to him, negotiation consists of “different devices for achieving
agreement, for establishing solidarity” (ibid,116). As I see it “achieving agreement” and
“establishing solidarity” are essential elements in the creation and maintenance of a
learning culture for self-direction.

8.2.3 Productivity: The great problem

Productivity proved to be the great problem for most of the participants. Almost
all of them were very concerned about the amount and quality of the learning outcome.
Moreover, they think that it was the way they were trying to leam, the learning process,
which was causing that problem. Certainly all of them had considered the possibility of
changing strategies for more effective production; however, with the exception of F and
Ga, they have not had any better results.

The temptation here seems to be to focus specifically on the aspects that make Ga
and F successful self-directed learners. However, I deliberately do not want to work on a
model of the good self-directed learner. I do not want my students to copy a model that
has little or nothing to do with their own learning styles and personalities. My role as a
counsellor is not that. Rather, to use Thelen’s words, I want to “facilitate each student’s
growth toward whatever self-realisation and effectiveness he is ready for” (Thelen,85)

As I see it, the proposals I put forward in Chapter 7 about the possibility of
combining and balancing external and internal forces (Fig. 7.10) in order to introduce
and/or enhance self-regulation of learning processes represents a feasible way to improve
the element of productivity. Particularly, I think that the focus on the regulation of
language use and the appropriate psycholinguistic context (section will result


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