Since SZeeZ and SZωZ coincide asymptotically, we get, using bars to denote plims,
V( √N β ) = [ S XZ
ZΩZ SZZ sZX ][SXZ szz sZX ] 1,
V( 4N β ) = [ S XZ
- Ω Z SZX] 1 ∙
Replacing the plims Sxz, Szx, SZZ and SZωz by their sample counterparts,
Sxz, SZX, SZZ and SZêêZ and dividing by N, we get from (A.4) and (A.5) the
following estimators of the asymptotic covariance matrices of βb and βe :
(A.6) V(β) = N [SXZS-ZSZX] 1[SXZSZZSZ..Zs-ZsZX][sXZs-ZsZX] 1
= [X0PZX]-1[X0PZbb0PZX][X0PZX]-1,
(A.7) Vdd ) = N S XZ S -. . - S ZX ]—1
= [ X 0Z ( Z 0bb. 0Z )-1Z 0X ]-1 = [ X 0P Z (b b0 ) X ]-1 ∙
These are the generic expressions which we use for estimating variances and co-
variances of the GMM estimators considered.
When calculating β from (A.3) in practice, we replace PZ(Ω) by PZ(bê0) =
Z(Z0 .b.b0Z)-1Z0 [see White (1982, 1984)].