while the within estimator βw is computed based on N(T - 1) within-individual
variations. Accordingly, (βb - β) converges to a zero vector in probability much
slower than (βw - β) does. Thus, we can conjecture that the convergence rate
of (βbw - βbg) will depend on that of (βbb - β), not (βbw - β). Indeed, we below
justify this conjecture.
In this subsection, we only consider a simple model which has a single time-
varying regressor (xit) and a single time-invariant regressor (zi). Accordingly,
all of the terms defined in (7)-(11) are scalars. We consider asymptotics under
the RE assumption (3). To save space, this section only considers the estimators
of β and the Hausman test. The asymptotic distributions of the estimators of
γ will be discussed in Section 4. Throughout the examples below, we assume
that the zi are i.i.d. over different i with N (0, σ2z). In addition, we introduce
a notation eit to denote a white noise component in the time-varying regressor
xit. We assume that the eit are i.i.d. over different i and t with N(0, σe2), and
are uncorrelated with the zi .
CASE 1: We here consider a case in which the time-varying regressor xit
contains a time trend of order m. Specifically, we assume:
xit = Θ1,itm + eit. (12)
We assume the parameters Θ1,i are fixed with finite IimN→∞ -N Pi Θ1,i =
IimN→∞Θι ≡ p1,1 and IimN→∞-N Pi Θ^ i ≡ p1,2. We can allow them to be
random without changing our results, but at the cost of analytical complexity.6
We consider two possible cases: one in which the parameters Θ1,i are hetero-
geneous, and the other in which they are constant over different individuals.
Allowing the Θ1,i to be different across different individuals, we allow the xit
be cross-sectionally heteroskedastic. In contrast, if the Θ1,i are constant over
different i, the xit become cross-sectionally homogeneous. As we show below,
the convergence rates of the between estimator and Hausman test statistic are
different in the two cases. Furthermore, whether or not the model is estimated
with an overall intercept could matter for convergence rates.
To be more specific, consider the three terms BNT, CNT, and bNT defined
below (8). A straightforward algebra reveals that with rt ≡ t/T ,
BNT = Pi(Θ1,i - Θ1)2 TΓmTT Pt rm 2
+2 Pi(Θ1,i — Θι) TmmT Pt rm (ei - e) + Pi(ei - e)2;
CNT = Pi(Θ1,i - Θ1) TmmT Pt rm) (zi - z)+Pi(ei - e)(zi - z);
6We can consider a more general case: for example, xit = aitm + Θi + Θt + bizi + eit .
However, the same asymptotic results apply to this general model. This is so because the
trend term (tm) dominates asymptotics.