B Appendix: Covariance estimation
For each firm in the sample we obtain a consistent estimate of ∆εjγ as the residual from
the IV regression (8). For an unbalanced sample of firms observed for at most T periods,
define the vector:
△ εJ =
( ∆εjτ
∖ δ¾1
If the ∆εjt observation is missing, it is replaced by zero. Conformably with △ ε1■, define
with dj a vector of 0-1 dummy variables. The dummy is 0 if the observation for ∆εjt is
missing, 1 otherwise. All the autocovariances of the type E (∆εja∆εj) are consistently
estimated by the sample analogs collected in the following autocovariance matrix:
c = £△ -△ ε1-./∑ dd
J=I j=l
where F is the number of firms always present in the data set and ./ denotes an element-
by-element division.
Define with m the vector of all the distinct elements of C, i.e. m = vech (C). Since C
is a symmetric matrix, the number of distinct elements in it is ʃ(ʃ+1). Conformably with
m, define mj = vech (△ ε1△ ε',j), and D =vech ^∑j=ι djdj). The standard errors of the
ɪɪɪɪɪ autocovariances can be retrieved by the variance-covariance matrix of C, i.e.:
v = ∑ [(m - m) (m - m)z. * dιdj] ./dD
The standard errors of the estimated moments are simply the square roots of the ele-
ments in the main diagonal of V. A similar strategy is used to obtain an estimate of V
(and corresponding standard errors) for workers’ earnings.