Whether the same pattern was evident for each age group was also investigated. Each one of
the age groups performed better in the Inference and Lexical contrast than the other
conditions. However, the differences were not significant.

To what extent does children ,s success in the naming task change between the immediate and
the delayed post test ?

Children performed better in the immediate (47.6%) than the delayed post test (22.6%). The
differences were significant (Wilcoxon: Z=6.8, p<.0000). The same pattern was evident
within each age group [4yrs, Wilcoxon: Z=3.O3, p<.005; 5yrs, Wilcoxon: Z=3.5, p<.0005;
6 yrs: Z=4.9, p<.0000). Furthermore, the same pattern was found within each linguistic
condition [Inference, Wilcoxon: 3.5, p<.0005; Analogy, Wilcoxon: Z=2.5, p<.05; Contrast:
Z=3.9, p<.0005; Definition, Wilcoxon: Z=2.5, p<.005)

To what extent does children ,s performance on the naming task differ by their existing

There was a trend for the children with high existing vocabulary to perform better on the
naming task than the children with low existing vocabulary for both post tests (see Table in
the Appendix 5.9). The same pattern was found within each age group and within each
linguistic condition. Significant differences were found for the Definition group during the
delayed post test (Mann-Whitney: Z=2.09, p<.05).

To what extent does children ,s performance on the naming task differ by their phonological

Children with high phonological memory performed better on the naming task than the
children with low phonological memory for both post tests (see Table in Appendix 5.10).
Significant differences were found during the immediate post test (Mann-Whitney: Z=2.7,
p<.05). The same pattern was found within each age group, however, the differences were
not significant. Furthermore, the same pattern was found within each linguistic condition.
Significant differences were found during the immediate post test for the Inference condition
(Mann-Whitney: Z=2.1, p<.05) and the Lexical contrast condition (Mann-Whitney: Z=2.7,


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