significantly better than the Ostensive definition group (Wilcoxon: Z=2.7, p<.05). During
post test 3, the Definition group performed significantly better than the Control (Wilcoxon:
Z=3.2, p<.005) the Phonological control(Wilcoxon: Z=3.03, p<.005) and the Ostensive
definition group (Wilcoxon: Z=2.8, p<.005). The Lexical contrast group performed
significantly better than the Control group (Wilcoxon: Z=2.1, p<.05). Diagram 7.2 presents
the significant differences between the groups.

Diagram 7.2 Significant group differences in the multiple choice task across testing

Abbreviations: Phono-Co=Phonological control; Ostdefin=Ostensive definition; Lex. contr. Lexical contrast

Does children ,s performance on the Multiple choice task improve with increased exposure
to the lexical items?

No significant differences were found over time.

Does the children ,s prior knowledge of the lexical items influence performance on the
multiple choice task ?

Figure 7.5 shows that children’s performance on the multiple choice task did not differ by
their prior knowledge of the lexical items. Statistical analysis revealed no significant


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