Does children ,s provision of justifications in the association task increase with increased
exposure to the lexical items ?

The provision of justifications was not found to differ significantly over time. The same
pattern was evident for each one of the groups.

Does the children’s prior knowledge of the lexical items influence the provision of
justifications in the association task?

The provision Ofjustifications did not differ significantly by children’s prior knowledge of
the lexical items.

Is the provision of justifications in the association task influenced by the semantic domain
of the lexical items?

The provision of justifications did not differ significantly by semantic domain.

To what extent does the child’s prior lexical knowledge (Comprehension and Naming)
influence the provision of justifications in the association task?”

There was a trend for the children with high level baseline comprehension vocabulary to
provide more justifications than children with low level baseline comprehension vocabulary
across testing. The same analysis was repeated for each group. The same pattern was found,
however, significant differences were only found for the Lexical contrast group during post
test !(Mann-Whitney U: Z=2.5, p<.05).

In addition children with high level baseline naming vocabulary provided more justifications
than children with low level baseline naming vocabulary. The differences were significant
only in Post test 1. The same analysis was repeated for each group. The same pattern was
found for all of them but the differences were not significant.


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