Chart 1.Esteem of demand of transport in Cadiz. Dependent variable: Probability to
travel in private transport.
Variable |
Coefficient |
Statistic t |
Probability |
C |
2,8705 |
2,770 |
0,0056 |
Difference in time |
-0,0711 |
-4,125 |
0,0000 |
Difference in price |
-0,0283 |
-3,670 |
0,0002 |
Head of family |
0,5924 |
2,723 |
0,0065 |
Sex |
0,3348 |
1,511 |
0,1306 |
Profession 1 |
-0,3426 |
-1,195 |
0,2319 |
Profession 2 |
-0,3889 |
-1,869 |
0,0615 |
Age >35 years |
0,2751 |
1,588 |
0,1121 |
N |
331 |
LR Statistic |
74,9948 |
Log (L) |
-180,8972 |
Probab. (LR Stat.) |
0,0000 |
Rest. Log (L) |
-218,3946 |
MacFadden R-Squa. |
0,1717 |
Source: Own Elaboration.
Although the socioeconomic variables seen in the models, have a sign hoped, not all of
them were important. Although the head of the family variable is not important in the
restricted model, its positive sign says us that there is a bigger possibility of choosing
private transport for travels to work if he is the head of the family, something similar
happens with sex variable, men have bigger possibility to travel in private transport in front
of women although none of these variables are important for the chosen way of transport.
According to the job, we take as a reference the workers for their own, negative signs in the
coeficients of the other two professional categories reflect that the possibility of choosing
private transport minimizes according to the reference if we are part of one of these groups,
and is that the group of own workers includes individuals with high rents and others whose
job needs the use of a private vehicle. Although the age variable reflects that is bigger the
possibility of using private transport when we are older than 35 years, it was not important
as an explicative variable.
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