Neural Network Modelling of Constrained Spatial Interaction Flows


ti. = Σ tH     i = 1,∙∙∙, I






t. j = Σ tij     j=1,∙∙∙, J


respectively. In turn these marginal sums can be utilised to calculate the overall level of
interaction that is defined as


t.. - ΣΣ t,


i=1 j=1

The Generic Interaction Model of the Gravity Type

The distribution of interactions within such a system can be described by the generic
interaction model of the gravity type that asserts a multiplicative relationship between
the interaction frequency and the effects of origin, destination and separation attributes,
respectively. In general form it may be written as (see Wilson 1967, Alonso 1978)1


τi,= b(i1 ) ιis1fij       i=1,∙∙∙, I ;   j=1,∙∙∙, J
where τij is the estimated flow from i to j∙ ri is an origin factor characterising i
[=measure of origin propulsiveness], sj a destination factor characterising j [=measure
of destination attractiveness], and
fij a separation factor that measures separation from
i to j∙ The separation factor fjj is generally - but not necessarily - assumed to be a
function of some univariate measure
dij of separation from i to j∙ The exact functional
form of each of these three variables is subject to varying degrees of conjecture (see
Fotheringham and O’Kelly 1989)∙
b^ij^ is a balancing factor with varying subscripts
depending on which constraints
{τij } has to obey concerning ti,, t,j or tn ∙ In the origin

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