5th and 8th grade pupils’ and teachers’ perceptions of the relationships between teaching methods, classroom ethos, and positive affective attitudes towards learning mathematics in Japan


Group discussion; Teacher explanation and Reading a textbook; and Individual work and
Individual help. No significant relationships were found linking these groups (see Figure
4.4.10 in appendix).

For 5th graders, as for their teachers, teaching methods that promoted pupils’ sense of
security fell into three groups.
Practical work, Group discussion and Whole-class
discussion; Reading a textbook
and Teacher explanation; and Individual work and
Individual help.
The first and the second groups were related through a correlation
Whole-class discussion and Reading a textbook (see Figure 4.4.11 in
appendix). For 8th graders, teaching methods, which promoted pupils’ sense of security,
were divided into two clear groups. One group consisted of
Using a computer, Practical
work, Whole-class discussion
and Group discussion. The other group consisted of
Reading a textbook, Teacher explanation and Individual help (see Figure 4.4.12 in

A sense Ofprogress

For 5th grade teachers, teaching methods, which promoted pupils’ sense of progress, fell
into two groups. There was a positive correlation between
Whole-class discussion and
Group discussion, and between Reading a textbook and Teacher explanation. Individual
was perceived to be related to Whole-class discussion in terms of promoting pupils’
sense of progress (see Figure 4.4.13 in appendix). For 8th grade teachers, teaching
methods that promoted pupils’ sense of progress, were divided into three groups. There
was a significant moderate positive correlation between
Practical work and Using a
the two kinds of discussion style teaching methods; and between Individual
help, Teacher explanation
and Individual work (see Figure 4.4.14 in appendix).

For 5th graders, teaching methods, which promoted pupils’ sense of progress, fell into
three groups. There were significant moderate positive correlations between
class discussion, Group discussion
and Practical work; Teacher explanation and
Reading a textbook; and Individual work and Individual help. The first and second
groups were linked by a significant positive correlation between
Practical work and
Reading a textbook (see Figure 4.4.15 in appendix). For 8th graders, teaching methods,
which promoted pupils’ sense of progress, fell into two groups. One group consisted of


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