Figure 4.4.1 Correlations between teaching methods in terms of promoting pupils’
enjoyment, perceptions of 5th grade teachers
The responses of 8th grade teachers with respect to enjoyment fell into two groups. One
included discussion type teaching methods, and the other individualised methods. For
8th grade teachers, Practical work and Reading textbook were negatively correlated (see
Figure 4.4.2).
Figure 4.4.2: Correlations between teaching methods in terms of promoting pupils’
enjoyment, perceptions of 8th grade teachers
For 5th graders, teaching methods, which promoted enjoyment, were separated into two
groups. One group consisted of Practical work, Group discussion and Whole-class
discussion, and the other consisted of Teacher explanation, Reading a textbook.
Individual work and Individual help. 5th graders appeared to have a much less integrated