5th and 8th grade pupils’ and teachers’ perceptions of the relationships between teaching methods, classroom ethos, and positive affective attitudes towards learning mathematics in Japan


Table 4.3.24: Comparison between 8th grade teachers and their pupils; deployment

8th grade teachers____________

8th graders_____________________

Effect size d___________________

Practical work

M=2.12, SD=. 86

M=1.42, SD=. 61


Individual help

M=4.00, SD=. 86_______

M=3.10, SD=1.09


Whole-class discussion

M=2.52, SD=1.13

M=1.86, SD=. 94_______


Figure 4.3.20: Comparison between 8th grade teachers and their pupils; perceptions of

□ Teachers (Sth)

□ Sth graders

PW = Practical work, UC = Using a ∞mputer, RT= Reading a textbook, TE = Teacher explanation,
IW = Individual work, IH = Individual help, WD = Whole-class discussion, GD = Group discussion


The results of the data analysis show that 8th grade teachers were likely to have stronger
perceptions of the frequency of the deployment of all teaching methods, and the extent
to which these teaching methods promoted pupils’ affective attitudes, than their pupils.
The differences were particularly strong in the case of
Practical work, Individual help and
Whole-class discussion.

4.3.5: Summary of 4.3

The findings reported in this section have shown that:

• Practical work, Whole-class discussion and Group discussion were more likely to be
deployed and preferred by teachers of 5th graders than teachers of 8th graders.

• Practical work, Using a computer, Reading a textbook, Whole-class discussion and
Group discussion were perceived as being more frequently being deployed and more
preferred by 5th graders than 8th graders.


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