Figure 4.3.17: Comparison between 8th grade teachers and their pupils; perceptions of
PW = Practical work, UC = Using a ∞mputer, RT= Reading a textbook, TE = Teacher explanation,
IW = Individual work. IH = Individual helo. WD = Whole-class discussion. GD = Grouo discussion
A sense Ofsecurity
Table 4.3.22 and Figure 4.3.18 show that 8th grade teachers were more likely than their
pupils to perceive that Practical work, Using a computer, Individual help, Whole-class
discussion and Group discussion promoted sense of security, with an effect size greater
than .5. In all cases, teachers’ responses were more positive than their pupils.
Table 4.3.22: Comparison between 8th grade teachers and their pupils; a sense of
8th grade teachers____________ |
8aι graders |
Effect size d___________________ | |
Practical work |
M=3.59, SD=. 82 |
M=2.53, SD=1.20 |
.88____________________ |
Using a computer |
M=3.32, SD=. 66 |
M=2.61, SD=1.28 |
.55 |
Individual help |
M=4.33, SD=. 73 |
M=3.51, SD=1.33 |
.62____________________ |
Whole-class discussion |
M=3.33, SD=. 73 |
M=2.41, SD=1.14 |
.81 |
Group discussion |
M=3.55, SD=. 78_______ |
M=2.58, SD=1.20 |
.81______________________ |
Figure 4.3.18: Comparison between 8th grade teachers and their pupils; perceptions of a
sense of security
PW = Practical work, UC = Using a ∞mputer, RT= Reading a textbook, TE = Teacher explanation,
IW = Individual work. IH = Individual help, WD = Whole-class discussion. GD = Group discussion