5th and 8th grade pupils’ and teachers’ perceptions of the relationships between teaching methods, classroom ethos, and positive affective attitudes towards learning mathematics in Japan


Individual work

Figure 4.5.17: Relationships between attitudes to mathematics learning as promoted by
Individual work: perceptions of 5th grade teachers


------- r=.656, p=.000    ---------


Sense of security

r=.555, p=.000

Sense of progress

Figure 4.5.17 shows that compared with the previous teaching methods examined the
relative lack of relationships for
Individual work is marked. The only positive relationships
for 5th grade teachers were between enjoyment and motivation, and sense of security
and progress. For 8th grade teachers, pupils’ enjoyment and motivation, and motivation
and sense of progress promoted by
Individual work were correlated. In contrast with the
relationships outlined earlier the impact of
Individual work on pupils attitudes was not
seen as integrated (see Figure 4.5.18 in appendix). For the pupils at 5th grade, there
were significant moderate positive correlations between the effects on the four attitudinal
aspects as promoted by
Individual work. These were also related to the extents that the
method were perceived to be deployed.

Figure 4.5.19: Relationships between attitudes to mathematics learning as promoted by
Individual work: perceptions of 5th graders



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