5th and 8th grade pupils’ and teachers’ perceptions of the relationships between teaching methods, classroom ethos, and positive affective attitudes towards learning mathematics in Japan


security and sense of progress as promoted by Group discussion. However, the
frequency of deployment of
Group discussion and pupils’ motivation were correlated.

Figure 4.5.30: Relationships between attitudes to mathematics learning as promoted by
Group discussion: perceptions of 8th grade teachers

For 5th graders, there were significant positive correlations between the perceived effects
on pupils’ four attitudinal aspects promoted by
Group discussion and the frequency of
deployment of
Group discussion and pupils’ enjoyment (see Figure 4.5.31 in appendix).
The pattern for 8th graders was similar to 5th graders although there were no significant
relationships with perceived deployment (see Figure 4.5.32 in appendix). For pupils of
both age groups and 5th grade teachers, the perceived effects on the four attitudinal
aspects promoted by
Group discussion were correlated. However, for 8th grade teachers
this was not the case. This pattern mirrors that for
Whole-class discussion. The way
discussion is perceived is clearly different for 8th grade teachers to all pupils and 5th
grade teachers.

Summary of 4.5

Overall, the findings in this section demonstrate that for pupils of both age groups, the
four attitudinal aspects promoted by individual teaching methods were more clearly
correlated, showing a coherence in their perceptions of the affects. Although for teachers
of both age groups, the four attitudinal aspects as promoted by some teaching methods
were correlated, they did not perceive such close relationships as their pupils. Teachers


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