which let them concentrate on tasks or activities improved their motivation. Many
students thought that they were motivated to learn mathematics individually because
they could concentrate better on the tasks in an individual session rather than a whole-
class (ap. P) or group session (ap. P). Sixteen 8th graders (3%)
suggested other factors as promoting their motivation. Of these, 13 mentioned
competition in whole-class discussion (ap. P) or group learning (ap.
P). One student said that teaching methods which set out the goals of learning clearly,
promoted his motivation. Two students indicated that they tried harder to learn
mathematics with methods that they were familiar with. Six 5th grade teachers (19%)
indicated that multiple factors contributed to promoting pupils’ motivation to learn
mathematics. Some teachers thought that a particular teaching method could include
these multiple factors. One 5th grade teacher wrote that practical work promoted pupils’
interest and their understanding of the curriculum, and in turn, enhanced pupils’
motivation to learn mathematics (ap. T). Otherteachers thought that adopting
several teaching methods, such as combining practical work to inspire pupils’ interest
and individual help to promote pupils’ understanding of the curriculum (ap. T)
would be beneficial in promoting pupils’ motivation. Few 8th graders (N=8, 2%) and their
teachers (N=2, 6%) proposed multiple factors.
Table 5.2: Percentages of teachers of both age groups and 8th graders who referred to
different aspects of promoting pupi |
s’ motivation to learn mathematics ______ | ||
5th grade teachers________ |
8th grade teachers_______ |
8th graders | |
Encouraging pupils’ involvement |
N=8 (25%)_________ |
N=7 |
N=30 (7%) |
Promoting pupils’ interest in |
N=7 |
N=7 (23%)_________ |
N=116(27%) |
Meeting pupils’ individual needs |
N=6 |
N=6 (20%)_________ |
N=17(4%) |
Promoting pupils’ understanding |
N=3 (9%)__________ |
N=5 |
N=108 (25%) |
Developing pupils’ mathematical |
N=2 (6%)__________ |
N=3 |
N=13(3%) |
Interaction with peers______________ |
— |
— |
N=26(6%) |
Interaction with the teacher_______ |
— |
— |
N=56(13%) |
Concentration ______________ |
— |
— |
N=44(10%) |
Other reasons__________________ |
— |
— |
N=16 (3%) |
Multiple reasons |
N=6 |
N=2 (6%)__________ |
N=8 (2%) |
Total |
N=32 |
N=30 |
N=434 ' (100%)_______ |