grade, while teachers’ perceptions of friction in the classroom was a positive predictor at
5th grade. 5th grade teachers attempting to enhance pupils’ mathematics self-concept
believed that Practical work could promote pupils’ enjoyment and sense of progress
positively but motivation negatively. 8th grade teachers attempting to enhance pupils’
mathematics self-concept believed that Individual work and Whole-class discussion had
a negative effect on at least some aspects of pupils’ affective attitudes. The perceived
frequency of praise being given based on the pupils making more effort than others was
a positive predictor for 8th grade teachers, but not for 5th grade teachers.
Teachers’ attempts to promote pupils’ mathematics self-concept seemed strongly related
to their attempts to promote pupils’ general self-concept at both grades. The other
factors were much weaker predictors. For 5th grade teachers, Practical work in relation to
its effects on affect was both a positive and negative predictor.