when the end of the month come I could take my fifty bucks
and go into town and get whatever I want. Why, I could stay
in a cat house all night. I could cat any place I want, hotel or
any place, and order any damn thing I could think of. An' I
could do all that evcty damn month. Get a gallon of whisky,
or set in a pool room and play cards or shoot pool." Lcnnie
knelt and looked over the fire at the angιy George. And
Lennie's face was drawn with terror. “An' whatta I got,"
George went on furiously. “I got you! You can't keep a job
and you lose me ever’ job I get. Jus’ keep me shovin’ all over
the Countiy all the time. An' that ain't the worst. You get in
trouble. You do bad things and I got to get you out." His
Figure 4.2 Screen from visual version of the ‘Novel as CD-ROM’