A Multimodal Framework for Computer Mediated Learning: The Reshaping of Curriculum Knowledge and Learning

Play game

• Attach the bounce behaviour to the bullets.

Play game

• Realise and specify the problem with the bounce.

Planning Through Gesture and Speech

The two students play the game but the bullets do not move in the way that they had
wanted (this episode is described in transcript 5.1). The two students stop playing the
game and begin to plan the movement of the balls visually through their gestures on
the screen and their talk. The students’ gestures are directed at the screen and these
repeated gestures highlight the central elements of the game the ‘sticks’, the dog and
the alien. Initially in this episode the two students’ talk and gesture is strongly co-
ordinated as they show the desired movement of the bullet.

Later in the episode the students’ gestures and talk differ (marked with * on the
transcript). Rachel traces the bullet moving in a vertical line down to the bottom-right
stick and from there in a horizontal line to the dog. She then quickly wiggles the pen
to indicate either somewhere in that area or a generalised ‘other place’. This gesture,
a поп-directed gesture, contrasts with her previous gestures which have been in
straight lines and slower in pace. Emily holds her finger on the top-right stick and
then traces an ‘imagined’ stick to the right of the alien and gestures the bullet
bouncing from the top-right stick to the bottom-right stick. She then gestures the line
of movement trailing off past the dog. This last gesture is significantly slower in pace
than the previous ones.

The students’ gestures with the screen are visually mapped in figure 5.12.


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