• requires the active participation of key stakeholders and aims to promote local ownership;
• uses the Logical Framework Approach (as well as other tools) to support a number of key
assessments/analyses (including stakeholders, problems, objectives and strategies);
• incorporates key quality assessment criteria into each stage of the project cycle; and
• requires the production of good-quality key document(s) in each phase (with commonly
understood concepts and definitions), to support well-informed decision-making.” (PCM Guidelines
2004, p.17).
Active key stakeholders’ involvement and promotion of local ownership are key features
encouraging a bottom-up approach in practical manner in project activities. Sustainability is
explicitly present in the ways to assure the fulfilment of the PCM principles. The required key
documents and the related decision-making process are briefly presented in the following picture.
Figure 5 Project Cycle, Documents and Responsibilities (PCM Guidelines 2004, p.19)
The operational research component is present throughout the lifetime of the cycle, various types of
studies, monitoring and evaluation activities contributing to the completion of the phases. The
financial proposal and correspondent agreement are designed during different stage, depending on
the complexity of the project.