Sustainability of economic development and governance patterns in water management - an overview on the reorganisation of public utilities in Campania, Italy, under EU Framework Directive in the field of water policy (2000/60/CE)

question. The operational tools for the enforcement of Directive 2000/60/EC
are the so called “Ambit Plans”, “Water Protection Plan” and “Framework
Program Agreement “ for the sector of water protection and of water resource
integrated management which was subscribed to on December 30, 2003 by the
Regione Campania, and the Ministries concerned5. Similarly, the EU
Structural Fund Policy, through the Regional Action Plan, plays a fundamental
role and gives an impulse to the enforcement of the Framework Directive as
well as to that of previous Directives in the field of water resources6.

The binding Community Directives7 for the first phase of implementation of
measure 1.2 “Water integrated cycle” of the Campania Regional Action Plan
were, in fact, Directive 76/464/EEC “Dangerous Substances”, and Directive
91/271/EEC “Waste Waters”.8 The Directive “Dangerous Substances” has the
objective of protecting water environment from pollution with dangerous
substances as mentioned in the Annexes thereto. 9

With the entry into force of Directive 2000/60/EC, the Community set of
regulations in the field of water pollution by dangerous substances has been
supplemented with a series of provisions whereby the Regions are assigned a
role of crucial importance. The Framework Directive, in fact, envisages the
adoption of programs for reduction at the “Source” of the emission of “target”
pollutants, as well as appropriate measures for drainage monitoring. These

5 Ministries of Economy and Finance, of the Environment and Territorial Protection, of
Infrastructure and Transport, of Agricultural and Forestry Policies.

6 Indeed, in Objective 1 Regions, ATO planning can avail of the fundamental contribution, also
in financial terms, of the
European Regional Development Fund that, through the Regional
Action Plan, promotes the objective of the
improvement of the service levels and of the
environmental sustainability of the integrated water cycle. It should however be made clear
that only after the recent revision of the Community Support Framework and of the Campania
Regional Action Plan, the full application of Directive 2000/60/EC is binding for action
implementation. In addition, while being in force in the juridical system, the Directive sets
forth that the objectives established be fulfilled according to a system of progressive deadlines
that end in 2015 and even later for some postponable obligations.

7 Reference is made to the Directives presently being analyzed in terms of compliance in the
Annual Report of Implementation of the Campania Regional Action Plan 2000-2006 —
Environmental Aspects
” , drawn up under art. 37 of EC Reg. 1260/99 and published by the
Environmental Authority of the Region Campania in the site:

8 Directive of the Council of May 4, 1976 concerning pollution provoked by the discharge of
dangerous substances into Community water environments: Directive of the Council of May
21, 1991 on the treatment of urban waste waters.

9 Under articles 3 and 6 of Directive 76/464/EEC the member-States must subject any drainage
of these substances into a water body to prior authorization to do so issued by the authorities
concerned and have to issue rules of emissions not exceeding threshold values.


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