program activities call for the availability of databases and information
systems at a local level, which are meant to assess the environmental impact of
drainage into the receiving water body. Among other things, under such
requirement the local stakeholders should equip themselves with the same
institutionalized mechanisms of communication and transparent data exchange
that should underlie any attempts at establishing development policies and
decisionmaking processes consistent with the principles of governance in the
field of the environment. From the operational point of view, the Framework
Program Agreement envisages “Urgent actions for the reduction of drainage of
dangerous substances” through the definition of a supplementing agreement
across the local stakeholder in charge of industrial and urban policies.
The planning of environmental water infrastructure in Campania is strongly in
line with the provisions of the Directive “Waste Waters” 91/271/EEC. The
approach to the problems of protection of water bodies of this Directive has
been taken up in the strategic frame of Framework Directive 2000/60/EC that
requires member-States to comply with the standards of quality and of urban
wastewater treatment set forth in Directive 91/271/EEC. Such Directive,
which was transposed in the national legislation by Law Decree 152/99, sets
forth a series of deadlines by which member-States are required to equip
themselves with appropriate plants for the collection and the treatment of
wastewaters. The implications in terms of financial investments in community
infrastructure for the Campania Region are evident, and even more so, if one
considers that in many Municipalities sewage systems are still incomplete or,
at the very least, do not comply with the environmental standards, whereas
water treatment plants cover on average only 71% of the Campania surface
and, in most of cases, exhibit problems of quality.10
The planning of the works destined to support the full implementation of the
Directive “Waste Waters” is contained in the Framework Program Agreement
and also in the Ambit Plans.
Crucial in this sense has been the recent completion of ambit planning carried
out by all the ATOs of the Campania Region, that, in their capacity of local
10 Cfr. Annual Report to the Parliament on the state of Water services by the Monitoring Panel
on the use of water resources, Rome , July 2003.