The English Examining Boards: Their route from independence to government outsourcing agencies


Chapter 2 Finding a theoretical framework, and
constructing a methodology

Researching a subject whose terrain variously involves education history, policy,
technical aspects of assessment and sociological impact has complicated the process
of finding a relevant perspective. On the other hand, I have found it intellectually
rewarding to explore a wide range of thinkers - and certainly the most broadening
aspect of my research.

A guiding principle has been a variation on Scott and Usher’s warning that “...those
who carry out educational research need to realise that they are not engaging in a
neutral activity but rather in a politics of knowing and being known where power is
never absent” (Scott and Usher 1996:180). While, like virtually all such handbooks on
education research, they were referring broadly to research into education practice,
there is no question that power and its movement is at the centre of this research. A
second and reassuring statement they make is that “Educational research is embedded
within disparate discourses and traditions; hence there is no single correct practice and
no superordinate methodology” (Scott 1996:178). What is important is that the
researcher takes a clear position from which to construct an appropriate methodology.

1 Finding a conceptual perspective

I had expected to construct the theoretical framework for this study on a tripartite
basis in three related disciplines: a need for analysis of this subject is identified by
education sociologists; its initial boundaries are grounded in education history and its
central focus is on the effects of education policy upon the bodies providing
examination assessment. Despite my findings of the limited attention education

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