Date |
Development |
Rationale |
Primary Effects |
Indirect Effects |
1944 |
Butler Education Act |
To offer free secondary |
Three-Ievel system with |
Confirms platonic view of |
1951 & 1953 |
Launch of General Certificate |
To replace rigid grouped |
Single subject exams |
Demand for accreditation of |
1953 |
Associated Examining Board |
To accredit attainment of‘new’ |
A non-university examining |
Comparability begins to be an |
1964 |
Schools Council replaces |
To involve teachers & LEAs in |
Series of proposals for post-16 |
Confirmed reform as |
1965 |
Certificate of Secondary |
To accredit attainment of 40% |
Creation of 13 regional CSE |
SheepZgoats effect built in to |
1970 |
Schools Council authorises |
To respond to pressure from |
Pilot schemes succeed; |
Schools Council’s approach |
1983 |
Sir Keith Joseph agrees to a |
To respond to pressure from |
Increases in attainment year on |
Pressure increases for |
1984 |
Secondary Examinations |
To replace an ineffectual body: |
Exam regulation becomes an |
A major shift in control from |
Figure 3-2 Post -1944 Examination Developments