- In the long-term, an ecological orientation as the fundamental principle of agriculture and forestry
is necessary everywhere. The sustainable form of agriculture in the less-favoured areas - above
all in the mountain areas - face an additional threat from competition by ecologically questionable
forms of intensive agriculture.
- An orientation towards sustainable economic systems in the mountain areas should not, however,
restrict itself to agriculture and forestry, but must in the longer term include all economic and
policy areas (e.g., environmental, regional and transport policy).
The long-term provision of the public environmental amenities and the cultural landscape in the
mountain areas can only be ensured through the maintenance of settlement, the conservation and
shaping of the cultural landscape and the maintenance of social and economic activities in the
mountain area. This is, in general, not possible without mountain agriculture. Mountain areas seem a
good case to show that a targeted and co-ordinated regional, spatial planning, economic,
environmental, technology, transport, structural and agricultural policy is called for at the different
territorial levels. The outstanding resource demands in these regions imply that the high degree in
regional problems only can be addressed via the permanent search for integrated policies.
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