Item 1
trus Worthy
Item 2
• Hntrus Worthy
Thirty-two of these items consisted of stereotypes found in the
four sources listed.
The remaining ten items (items 2/23, 7/28, 14/35, 17/38, 21/42)
were concerned with values asserted, in the sources listed, to
be characteristic of an Aboriginal sub-culture, e.g.,
other things more important , φ .... .money and
than money possessions
Positive and negative traits were listed in both left and right
hand columns√
Students were asked, on completion of each schedule, to
choose the five characteristics which best described the group
being typified.
(ii) Schedule II - Theorizing statementsɪ
(a) Schedule II - construction
From the sources detailed in the review of the literature
and from the interviews sixty statements were constructed touching
on issues that were raised by Aboriginal people concerning
identity. As far as possible the words of the people interviewed
were used in framing the statements.
(b) Schedule II- constitution
The statements were designed to elicit responses to rudimentary
** 2
theorizing relating to issues in the following four clusters:
1See Appendix X, p. 547.
2See p.39 above.