* The individual in a multi-cultural Australia
Statements 1, 51, 19, 5, 10, 56, 59, 44, 37
Typologies of identity (hypothesis 3.1)
Positive Identity
Trust 45, 54,'18
Negative identity
Distrust 3, 38;
expectation of
rejection 7, 26, 29,
Autonomy 22, 52
31. 16
Autonomy as a strain
towards delinquency
Functional constancy
(i.e. the feeling of
occupying a place of
one's own in the
33, 41, 46, 34
Feelings of being a non-person
4, 39, 24; overall feeling
of being ashamed 46; strain
towards withdrawal in
education 2, 6, 30, 9, 20, 28
Identials (hypothesis 3.2)
Housing 53, 48
Religion 17
Language 42, 40
Physical attributes 60, 23
Nicknames 50
Employment 11, 13,.15, 57
Attributes of Aboriginal culture (hypothesis 2.5)
Differing value system,
Views of success 21, 25,
Schedule I, Items 7/28; 14/35; 17/38;21/42
35, 43, 8
The sixty statements required
a choice: Agree strongly, agree,
not sure, disagree, disagree strongly.
(iii) Schedule III - Theorizing about success
Students were asked to describe characteristics of people who
were a success or a failure,
to describe success for themselves
^Numbers refer to Schedule II statements,
bee Appendix XI, p. 551.