ЧПІПЧІІ цшч W її ψτuMf^w
The Theory: Area II
Interaction between social structure and the ’worlds’ in which people live
f -r.
Theoretical component
Research questions
V * *
Objective ’worlds’ of
Aboriginal people,
typifications, sedimentation
of typifications, institutional-
ization of typifications
1. What are the typifications of Aborigines
by non-Aborigines?
2. What are the typifications of Aborigines
sedimented into Aboriginal world?
3. What are the typifications in the ’world’
of schools by Aborigines and white
4. Is there internalisation by Aborigines
of white typifications?
1. Survey of literature.
2. Survey of literature -
supplemented by interviews.
ʒ. Schedule 1 - non-Aboriginal
response. School student data
4. Schedule 1 Aboriginal response.