The name is absent


It is posited that such a recognition of the existence of

Aborigines brought about a change in the conceptual machinery
seen as appropriate for controlling the Aborigines. Their insistence
on being heard, their insistence of their recognition by the white
world, made them eligible for therapy. Therapy, that is, ’treatment’
of a deviant group to integrate their symbolic world into mainstream
society, became the more appropriate machinery for mainstream
society, since nihilation, and the stilling of the Aboriginal


voice, had ceased to be effective.              '

The developing awareness of the growing restlessness of Aboriginal
people,as their perception of injustices issued into political
activism,led, in the sixties, to this difference in the conceptual
machinery being applied to them.

As Aboriginal people supported by some whites spoke out against

injustice, their existence could no longer be denied. Nor, however,
could the exercise of rights by Aboriginal people be tolerated.

Such exercise of rights was categorised as black power which

was raised as a spectre, and condemned. Assimilation was proposed
as an antidote, that is, Aboriginal stirrings would be contained

within mainstrea


In 1967 a Referendum was held, giving the Federal Government

the responsibility to legislate for Aborigines. In 1968, that
is, after the Referendum, in answer to a question in Parliament
about Aborigines and 'black power’, Wentworth, Minister for Social
Services and Aboriginal Affairs, replied:

I am aware of the disruptive attempts of certain
people to create differences of opinion and outlook
between our Aboriginal people and the people of white
descent. I deplore these efforts. I deplore entirely
the efforts of certain people to create in Australia
as they have succeeded in creating in the United
States, differences that could lead to violence.

I assure the Honourable Member and the House that
the Government will do everything in its power to
provide for the advancement of our Aboriginal people,

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