Thus the inclusion of certain elements of white culture
cannot be said to provide an alternative psychological model.
The psychological model provided is firmly embedded in the Law.
White accretions would appear to be sedimentations from the days
of white employment, now part of the given world, and not immediately
separable from other sedimentations.
16.3 Affirmation of the Strelley Model by the white world
Perhaps one of the crucial aspects of the affirmation of
psychological reality that comes from the structuring of the
particular psychological model of a tradition-oriented world is
found in the support given to this model by the white ’world’.
16.31 Affirmation of the Strelley Model by white staff
It has been pointed out that the white staff interact with the
marrngu theorizing^ and accept the model offered to themselves as
teachers and advisers. They too, find a psychological reality
within the psychological model, and strive to alter their perception
of their role as teachers, in accordance with this model.
The white staff adapt their institutionalization of typifications
learned in another ’world’. For example, they observe the avoidance
relations prescribed, they observe the prescriptions about bringing
alcohol to the station and accept the punishment meted out for
(inadvertant) transgression within the psychological model. The
world of the Mob is very real to them.
One young teacher was unwittingly involved in a 'delinquency’
on the part of a member of the community. It was considered by
the Mob that he should be made aware of the gravity of the situation.
A solemn meeting of the whole group was held, including the teachers.
The young man in question was ably defended by the kin allocated
to him who spoke on his behalf. He was informed of what the tribal
punishment should be, but was fined and everyone, both marrngu
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ɪsee pp. 225, 252.