and non-marrngu, was made aware of the gravity of the transgression
and the importance of keeping the Lawi. At the same time, in an
indefinable way, the teacher felt that his acceptance of reproof
had enhanced his status in the community. Transcending ’delinquency’
was seen as a progression in maturation.
16.32 Affirmation of the Strelley model by other white groups
The psychological model is affirmed by other white groups. It
is affirmed by the state school authorities; school inspectors recognise
Strelley as providing an alternative situation and interact with this
different model by providing an alternative means of assessment.
The Strelley model is affirmed by teacher training authorities
attempting to structure alternative ways of meeting Strelley∙s
16.33 Non-affirmation of the model by white society in general
The question of whether this world can be maintained would seem
to depend on the maintenance of inherent and external factors of
continuity within the situation, and on affirmation from the individual
members of the group who confirm the model in essential ways (teacher
training, school organization). However, the continued presence
of ’enemies’ who were seen to give coherence and focus to theorizing
also contributes to universe maintenance.
That the psychological model is not affirmed by white society
at large can be of no consequence for individual acceptance of the
model within the ’world’ of Strelley. Universes of meaning that
are proclaimed as belonging to enemies are nihilated - they exist
for white people. They cannot be ’taken-seriously’ by tradition-
oriented people.
The fact that these same white people question the Strelley model
merely serves to reaffirm its validity for the marmgu.
iTaped interview.
2See p. 206.