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It was hypothesized that the Aborigines would stereotype
•Australians’ in a predominantly negative fashion. In fact there
were seven items stereotyped positively.
Aborigines stereotype ’Australians’ N = 93
Rank order Item stereotyped %
care for possessions 70.2
drink too much 59.8
friendly .36,3)
motivated to get somewhere 55.4
good providers 50.0
know where they are going 49.5
good parents 45.1
Table 17 gives the characteristics which Aborigines saw as best
describing ’Australians’.
Characteristics which best describe ’Australians’
1. drink too much
2. friendly
3. care for possessions
4. clean and tidy z
5. trustworthy
In ranking the five characteristics, two new categories which were not
judged to be stereotypes according to the definition above were given
The category tlean and tidy* was accorded 44.2 per cent support,
with 52.7 per cent opting for thfe mid-point. It is not therefore
inconsistent that it is included as a chief characteristic. It is
interesting to note that this item is again the antithesis of the stereo-
type for Aborigines, who are held to be not clean and tidy.
There is some discrepancy concerning the item ’trustworthy’
which was not stereotyped and yet was seen as characteristic of
Australians in general.