It will be seen that the only positive categories attributed
to Aborigines in general were also cited as most characteristic.
¼ ∙
Thus while the stereotypes were predominantly negative for Aborigines
in general, out of the first five characteristics, there were
three positive characteristics cited as most characteristic of
Aborigines in general.
Trait Rank order
friendly 2
trustworthy 4
good parents 5 ,
If we look for points of contrast.between the Aboriginal self
and Aborigines in general we find in the stereotyping that the
Aboriginal self:
does not drink too much
is not often in trouble with police
is not often in debt
does keep jobs
does care for possessions
is not quick tempered
is not aggressive (does not pick fights)
does have ambitions
does have a purpose in life
QCtn be counted on
speaks English well
has a strong sense of right-end wrong
is a good parent
is clean and tidy
On all these items, the negative stereotype of Aborigines was
accepted for the ‘masses’ but rejected for the self.
The distancing of the Aboriginal self from Aborigines in general
may be explained by the fact that all Aborigines interviewed recognised
that there are Aborigines who have had their culture destroyed, who
are in a state of anomie, of identity-diffusion. They are the
•broken ones', the ,dead∙, falling between the tradition-oriented people and