21.3 Non-Aboriginal typification of Aborigines
21.31 Hypothesis .
It is projected that, in examining the typifications of
Aboriginal students by non-Aboriginal students, the response of the
schools will be located along a continuum in the following way:
<. Port Augusta Augusta Park Taperoo Salisbury
Zeast positive j, High High High North Nig∖ most positive
21.32 Non-Aboriginal typification of Aborigines
' Comparison of responses, by institution
In computing these tables (Tables 19 to 23), the matter for
investigation is not whether stereotyping has taken place.
Rather, the intention is to establish the degrees of support
for positive typification of Aborigines and relate this to each
institution studied. .
In the organization of the tables, the items are therefore all
phrased in positive terms, and the percentage figures show positive
The ’non-cultural’ items of Schedule I (seventeen in number) .
are again selected out for discussion at this point.