Comparison of typifications of Aborigines by non-Aboriginal students -
Pt. Augusta High, Augusta Park, Taperoo, Salisbury North
P.A.H. Aug. Taperoo Salisbury
Park North
(N=78) (N=56) (N=91) (N=64)
% of support
trustworthy + 12.3
strong sense of right and wrong + 15.7
good parents + 16.2
*know where they are going + 16.3
are good providers + 2.8
care for possessions + 11.8
friendly and outgoing + 10.7
live and let live + 5.3
know when to stop drinking 6.6
lead law abiding lives + 1.3
careful with money + 2.7
speak English well + 7.8
*motivated to get somewhere 10.7
generous with money + 8.1
clean and tidy 2.8
reliable + 9.1
even tempered + 6.6
14 14.5 26.6
20.4 20.9 26.5
20.4 17.6 28.2
16.3 11.0 23.8
6.1 12.1 25.0
12.2 13.2 30.1
30.6 24.5 40.7
4.1 11.1 17.2
10.1 12.1 7.8*
4.2 3.3 14.1
8.1 7.7 14.1
14.2 32.0 34.5
4.1 14.3 15.7
10.2 9.9 15.6
16.3 10.0 15.7*
14.3 11.1 21.9
12.3 11.2 25.0