21.43 Discussion
(і) Comparison of secondary school population. !
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On all but four items (starred) Port Augusta had the highest ≡
proportionofits Aboriginal students who typified ’Australians’ positively. ∙
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Seventy-six per cent of the Port Augusta High group saw ’Australians’ ’
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as friendly. I
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The hypothesis that the more visible the Aboriginal world the ∙
less positive- the Aboriginal typification of 'Australians, was not і
supported. ]
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On the contrary, Aboriginal students at Port Augusta High, despite
the fact that they were seen most negatively by ’Australian’ students I
from the same school, nevertheless had the greatest support for I
a positive view of ’Australians’.
The picture is not so clear for Taperoo and Augusta Park. In
comparing the two, Augusta Park Aboriginal students had more support
than Taperoo for a positive typification of ’Australians’ on seven
Taperoo had more support for a positive view on nine items.
On the question of Aborigines typifing ‘Australians’ positively,
the Schoolsrangedthemselves in the following order: Port Augusta
High, Taperoo, Augusta Park. However, the figures allow a firm
conclusion to be drawn only in the case of Port Augusta High.
of ’Australians*
S.A.I.T. (N=IS)
It was hypothesized .(IIypothesis 2.Sa, p. 47) that, given the
fact that this group of Aborigines had grown up within family groupings
subjected to repressive legislation they would have a cohesive view
of ’Australians’ which was one of rejection.