The name is absent


21.43 Cii) Post-secondary response

Cb) Stone’s Business College CN = 19)

It was hypothesized (Hypothesis 2.5b) that this group would
show an ambivalence in their typifications of Australians which reflected
their ambivalence in identifying themselves as Aborigines.

The students at this institution can be seen as marginal to
the dominant society: the stranger in transition.

When the degree of support of positive typifications is examined
(Table 20) for agreement with other institutions, we find that Stone’s
had more than 50 per cent support on four items (compared with Port
Augusta High, seven items; Augusta Park, five items; and Taperoo, two

However, when Stone's responses are analysed using stereotyping
as a basis,there is a clustering of opinion at the mid-point, a phenomenon
characteristic of Stone’s Aboriginal group in their typification
of ’Australians’.

’Australians’ were stereotyped negatively on only two issues:

waste money           50.1%

drink too much        52.7%


’Australians’ were stereotyped positively on four items:

* ⅛


good providers


55 .'6%

care for possessions
motivated to get



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