The name is absent


For the remaining 11 items opinion fell at the raid-point.

Thus there was a reluctance to stereotype ’Australians’. The
students would appear to be saying; ”I’m not really sure what I
think about Australians on most issues. Its safer to put them
at the mid-point”.

The hypothesis that this group3 seen as ambivalent in
their identification as Aborigines3 would show uncertainty
in typifying 'Australians’ was supported.

21.5 Aboriginal tyρification of Aborigines in general



It was hypothesized that those Aborigines who have merged into
the population would distance themselves from Aborigines in
general, and hence, that of the schools studied, Pt. Augusta-
High would have most support for a positive view of Aborigines,
Taperoo least positive support, and that S.A.I.T. students would
show positive support, with Stone's students, again, showing

The responses were thus expected to be distributed in the

following way:


S.A.I.T. Pt. Aug.

Stone’s Augusta

Taperoo least

For the following table, the institution showing most support

in each case is starred.


Aboriginal typification of Australian Aborigines
Comparison across institutions

Table 21 gives a comparison of Aboriginal typification of

Aborigines across all the institutions studied.

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