The name is absent

21.53 (ii) Post-Secondaiy population

(a) S.A.I.T.

S.A.I.T. students gave more positive support to the typification
of Aborigines in general, than did Stone’s, on fourteen of the seventeen
items (Table 21).



When all the institutions, secondary and post-secondary are                 ’


examined, S.A.I.T. shows the most favourable typifications on eight              ;

of the seventeen items.

Thus in the case of S.A.I,T.i the hypothesis that the more visible

the group i the more support will be given to positive typifications
of Aborigines in general,λ : was supported.

21.53 (ii) Post-secondary population

(b)   Stone1s Business College

Only two items received support of over 50 per cent - ’strong
sense of right and wrong’, (52.7 per cent); friendly and outgoing
(73.7 per cent).

Only two items were stereotyped for Aborigines in general, with

more than 70 per cent agreement by students at Stone’s College. Aborigines
I                         I                                                          I                                                  »

were seen as friendly, 73.7 per cent,and drinking too much, 89.5
per cent. This compares with thirteen items being stereotyped at
this level by students at S.A.I.T. Aborigines were stereotyped
(with less support) on several items, all except one* negative, namely:
U              І

don't take care of possessions      52.7

often in trouble with police        57.9

often in debt                        58.0

have no ambition                    42.2

waste money                         42.1

♦strong sense of right and wrong    52.7

don't keep jobs                      36.9.

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