22.33 Aborigines in a multi-cultural Australia
Schedule II statements referring to the location of Aborigines
in the Australian 'world' - a comparison of Aboriginal and
Bon-Aboriginal response
a * * V * * ***t»** « ∙ * t « I » *
Agree Not Disagree Majority
strongly Agree sure Disagree strongly response
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51. I think Aborigines should
try to be white
Aboriginal response (N=93) 3.4
Non-Aboriginal response (N=289) 5.4
9.0 6.7 22.5 58.4 80.9
6.1 16.8 30.0 41.8 71.8
19. Aborigines should merge into
the general population
Aboriginal response (N=93) 12.4
Non-Aboriginal response (N=289) 16.0
39.3 27.0 12.4
31.0 32.3 11.6
9.0 51.7
9.2 47.0
31. Aborigines should form groups
so that they will get somewhere
Aboriginal response (N=93) 34.8 34.8 12.4 7.9
Non-Aboriginal response (N=289) 13.0 28.8 32.5 13.0
10.1 69.6
12.7 41.8
59. I think Australian people
show discrimination when they
employ people
Aboriginal response (N=93) 28.4
Non-Aboriginal response (N=289) 22.5
31.8 19.3 12.5
37.7 22.5 11.4
8.0 60.2
5.9 60.2
44. Seeing Aborigines were here
long before migrants, they
ought to get jobs before
Aboriginal response (N=93) 35.6
Non-Aboriginal response (N=289) 13.8
25.6 23.3 11.1
20.3 30.7 24.1
4.4 ’ 61.2
11.0 35.1
The one issue on which there was complete agreement between
Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal respondents was about discrimination. Sixty point
two per cent of both groups believed that Australian people showed