in the. strongest possible terms, theorizing that such a course
would result in the destruction of their value system.
Independent schooling in the urban situation could achieve
the same aim set so firmly by Strelley, that of educating students
to the final years of schooling', and preparing them for tertiary
education, without separating them from the significant others in
their lives,- whether peer group or adults.
Success in schooling is entwined with success in employment
on two counts. The axiom that 'One becomes that which one is
addressed’ holds. If Aborigines are successful at school and
theorize about their success there will be greater hope of success
in post-school years.
27.42 A race within a race
It has been seen that Port Augusta students, though stereo-
typed negatively and theorized about negatively by the host group,
nevertheless, of all the groups studied, have the most positive
view of 'Australians',
There is no evidence to support the allegations of politicians
that a voluntary grouping together of Aborigines creates a race
within a race that divides Australia and causes race hatred, at
least on the part of Aborigines. It may do this on the part of
white society; but this is a white problem, not an Aboriginal
problem. .
Independent schools, whether elite or parish schools, return their
graduates to society, supported to some extent by an 'old boy'
I network, but not acting as a bloc in the everyday life of wider
≡ society.
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It can be posited that an independent school would do the
same for Aborigines. .