Staff of McNally - South Australian Youth Training Centre for
Juvenile Offenders
Department of Community Welfare research group (8) * 1
State Education
Aboriginal Education
*Mr. Lewis O’Brien (Pennington,- Western Region Advisory)
*Mrs. Olga Fudge
*Mrs. Glad Elphick
*Mrs. Leila Rankine-Centre for Aboriginal Studies in Music.
John Ingram*Aboriginal Community College
David Hope-South Australian Institute of Technology
*Janice Koolmatri-Torrens College of Advanced Educationj ATEP programme)
*John Wylie § 13 Aboriginal Teacher Assistants (State Education)
*Bob Hampton )
*Willy Golan )
*Mrs. Johnson ) Aboriginal Hostels
*Mrs. Huddleston )
Meg Braddock-Aboriginal Housing
Port Augusta
Lauren Bywaters )
Gerry Van Rooth )
Christine Warren) Department of Further Education
Brice Foster )
♦Andrew Thomas Teacher-aid
Adult Education Davenport
Claudette Cusack
Port Augusta Schools
Principal and Counsellor:
Caritas High School
Augusta Park High School
Port Augusta High School
Carlton Primary School
Augusta Park Primary School
Central Primary School
Caritas Primary School
Tutors: Hartley College of Advanced Teacher Training Programme
Those starred are Aboriginal people