The name is absent




Australian Italians


Circle the line at the point where you would place Australian Italians 1

1.  trustworthy                ----- 22.

2.  don't care what a job is     -----  23.

as long as the money is good

3.  strong sense of right and    -----  24.


4.  neglect their children       -----  25.

5.  have no purpose in life      -----  26.

6.  are good providers          ----- 27.

7. mother makes rules in the     -----  28.


8.  don't take care of          ----- 29.

possessions, (cars,
clothes, house)

9.  friendly and outgoing        ----- 30,

10.  aggressive, pick fights      ----- ʒɪ,

11.  know when to stop drinking   ----- 32.

12.  often in trouble with police  ----- 33.

13.  often in debt               ----- 34.

14.  aware of others' needs       ----- 35.

15.  speak English well           ----- 36.

16.  have no ambition             - - — -  37.

17.  waste money                  - - — -  38.

18.  clean and tidy              ----- 39.


19.  can't be counted on to do    ----- 40.

what they say

20.  even tempered               ----- 41,

21.  other things are more        ----- 42,

important than money

care about status


poor sense of right and wrong

are good parents

know where they are going
don't keep jobs
father makes rules

care for possessions,
(cars, clothes, house)

live and let live
drink too much
lead law-abiding lives
careful with money

put self and family first
don't speak proper English
motivated to get somewhere
generous with money
dirty - uncared for

quick tempered

money and possessions

Now go back and select the five characteristics you think BEST
describe Australian Italians.

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