The name is absent


neglect and abuse their children

men gutlessj won’t go out and fight for themselves

solve problems by blanking out their minds with alcohol

prove manhood by getting drunk

lacking educational base3 lacking fluency in English3 dropouts
lacking self-respect3 dignity3 economic and political security
discriminated against by teachers and employers

IX.3   Process III Aborigines stereotype whites

From the same writings, Aboriginal views on ’whites’ are culled.

White values for white people are seen as

being sharks

using your own initiative

cultivating a competitive spirit

seeking advancement

seeking advancement above one ,s fellow men

Whites are ’’seen as stereotypes - not as individuals but a white face”.

They are seen as:-

lacking sincerity


se Ifis h

grabbing power

indifferent to Aborigines

having no regard to Aborigines as human beings

having no respect for Aboriginal culture

using Aboriginal people for their own social3 economia3
political reasons

using Aborigines as symbols3 buying them off with
Government jobs

using each other

turning all things into a commodity - dictated to by
money3 possessions

designing benefits to make black a participant in

white Community3 not a member of white community

not living up to ideals of justice3 humanity3 decency3
for Aborigines while presenting a good image overseas
(Austcare3 Freedom from Hunger3 Unesco)

projecting their own failings onto Aborigines - sexual
hangups3 frustration with society3 drinking problems

advancing a policy of assimilation as a means of genocide
oppressing Aborigines

discriminating against Aborigines

assisting Aborigines to be second rate people

do gooders

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