The name is absent



SCIII l⅛l Γ Il      st а І емнчі t S

Write in comments if you want to explain Agree              Not                IHstigrec

your choice more clenrly                   Strongly Agree Sure Disagree Strongly

1. Vietnamese should Ienve ull their
way of life behind and become Austra I i<ιn

?. 'Ihe best way to get a job is
through trying hard at school.

ʒ. It’s no good trusting people -
they only want something out of you

4. Sometimes I feel like I don't

exist, that I don't matter to anyone

S. It is good to have a mixture
of cultures in Australia

6. It's no good staying on at
school to get a job.

7. It's no good asking help from
teachers. They are not really

8. There are more important things
in life than money or jobs.

9. Xo matter how hard ɪ try at
school, I won't get a job.

10. Migrants from Europe are all
right, but it is better not to
have coloured people in Australia.

11. It is no good for Aborigines
»to look for jobs at the Commonwealth
Employment Service. They won't get

12. It's no good worrying about
things. You can't change anything
in the world.

13. I don't have to worry about
getting a job - my parents and
relations and friends will help me.

14. I often feel people are looking
at me and wish I could hide so that
they couldn't see me.

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