Not IHnngrce
Strongly Agree Sure IHsngrcc Strongly
» — ■ ■ .......... ■ ■ I '*■ - ........ ■ ■■ ■■ --■■ T ■ ■■■ ■■ !■■! ⅛ ■■■ I H≡ ■■■■!■ I ⅝l PM H1
4Я. I wish our family owned our
house. I'd feel more secure. (If
you do own a house, miss this
4UCStTθn OUt).
49. I never know what to expect at
home. Sometimes I'm blamed for
things that happen. Sometimes no-
one cares about the same things.
SO. I had a nickname but I'd rather
not tell it - I'd be ashamed of it.
(If you are not ashamed of it, write
it in).
SI. I think Aborigines should try
to be white.
52. Jf you want to get on in the
world you have to fight for
vou r sol f.
* t
55. I wish wo hud a better house.
I feel embar^sscd about having
friends around.
54. If you make an effort, people
will help you.
55. I think people arc alcoholics
because they have no purpose in
56. Life would be better in
Australia if everyone tried
to learn about other cultures.
57. 1 hope to get a job when I
leave school, but there is a lot
of unemployment and I might miss
58. It's worth saving up money to
buy something worthwhile that I
really want, even if 1 have to go
without now.
59. I think Australian people
show discrimination when they employ
people. They would rather not employ
60. 1 often feel very self-conscious
about my looks.