Agree Not Disagree
Strongly Agree Sure Disagree Strongly
IS. Tlie easiest place for me to get a
job is with the Government.
16. It's no good keeping in with
relations. They are always fighting
with each other. It's better to get
out by yourself.
17. One of the places 1 feel really
important and worthwhile Is at Church.
IK. People in our SUlxirb arc friendly
and willing to help if you need them.
19. I think Aborigines should merge
into the general population.
20. 1 don't worry about getting a
job. 1 know I'll end up on the dole.
21. The way you know you are a success
is by the amount of money you earn.
22. Whatever people think about me
now, I can always change.
23. ɪ think people like me for my-
self and don't worry about my looks or
my clothing or the sort of house wo
21. I would like to know what people
realIy think of me.
25. The way you can tell you arc a
success is if you get a job.
26. It's no good asking people in
authority to help. They don't care.
27∙. I think people drink too much
because it is a social thing.
28. If things get hard at school,
I give up. There's no point trying.
29. I think everyone has to look
after himself. There's no point
expecting any help from others.
30. I only come to school because
ɪ have to go. There's no real point.